7-9 Year Olds

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Here are some fun science activity suggestions that we’ve done on Go Science Kids that I think primary (or elementary) school aged kids (7-9+ year olds) might like to try.

Fun Science for 7-9 Year Olds

We’ll be adding more ideas as we go, so be sure to bookmark this page (or subscribe) to keep up with the latest.

Fun Science & STEM Activities for 7-9 Year Olds

Fun science ideas for 7-9 year olds (primary _ elementary school age), from Go Science Kids

Want even MORE science fun?

Here are some cool science activities, that I’ve found from around the web that I think would be perfect for the 7-9 year old age group:

Fun science ideas that are great for 7-9 year olds (primary _ elementary school age), from Go Science Kids

Want even, EVEN more?

There are plenty of activities and ideas in the same section of our Fun Science for 5-6 Year Olds page – many of these activities would be appropriate for 7-9 year olds as well. Often there are usually extension ideas to make them more challenging if need be, and you could always adapt the activities yourself as well, by encouraging kids to follow the scientific method, hypothesize, plan and set up the activities for themselves, experiment with changing one variable at a time, document the process, etc.

I also pin loads of ideas on my Fun Science for Kids, Nature Study Activities for Kids and STEM for Girls Pinterest boards.

Do you know of any other cool science ideas that would be great for 7-9 year olds to try? I’d love to hear of them!

Please note…

All kids activities on this blog require attentive adult supervision. Parents and carers will need to judge whether a particular activity is appropriate their child’s age and skill level. Click here for more information.